Local Residents / Business Update

We wanted to make sure our local residents and businesses have as much information as possible about the forthcoming #BrayAirDisplay.



This dedicated page helps us effectively communicate with the residents and businesses along the seafront and surrounding roads. Our top priority is to ensure that any disruption or inconvenience is kept to a minimum. Local residents and businesses will also be kept informed by post.


The Bray Air Display returns to Bray Seafront on Saturday, August 3rd 2024. The event kicks off with ground entertainment from 12 noon followed by the airshow from 3 pm. These are approximate times and are subject to change.


With all large-scale national festivals or events like the #BrayAirDisplay, there will be some level of inconvenience and disruption. The road closures are in place to facilitate residents, safe pedestrian flow, public transport, and emergency access for the #BrayAirDisplay. On roads with traffic restrictions, local access will be facilitated where possible.


Whether you head along to the festival or simply catch a glimpse of it from your back garden; we hope you enjoy the event.


Below are a number of points we hope you will find useful.


Simply click or press on the ‘+’ icon for the relevant information to be revealed. 


The Funfair build on Bray Seafront will start July 15th and then will open daily from 12 noon until 10 pm from July, 20th until August 5th 2024. (closed on Monday, July 29th and Tuesday, July 30th). Please note: there will be increased traffic coming into and out of the town as a result of this.

On Funfair marketing and promotional material, we have requested that all visitors should respect our environment and residential neighbourhood.

Contractors on site, event Control & PA installation

In the week prior to the event, many contractors will be on site along Strand Road building exhibits on behalf of their clients along with event control and the PA installations. This work will commence w/c July 29th, 2024.  The construction will take place during normal working hours with minimum disruption to pedestrian traffic walking along the promenade.

Working in conjunction with An Garda Síochána, Wicklow County Council and respective statutory bodies we will implement a comprehensive traffic management plan to get #BrayAirDisplay visitors in and out of the town as quickly as possible.


Road Closures and Event information – Updated on Friday, July 5th 2024

Description Saturday, August 3rd 2024
Road closures include Strand Road, Albert Avenue, Sidmonton Avenue, Convent Avenue, Seapoint Road and Putland Road.  From 10 am
No access or vehicle movement on Strand Road. Mitigation barriers will be in place for the duration of the event. Deliveries to businesses along Strand Road and adjoining roads will have to be completed prior to 10 am. 10 am to 8 pm
Event site opens i.e., Funfair, Food & Craft Village, Helicopter Pleasure Flights, PA Announcements etc. 12 noon
Approximate Air Display Starts / Finish times – subject to change on the day 3 pm to 6 pm
South Car Park open – A complimentary shuttle bus will service this car park ONLY. The drop-off/pick-up point is close to the event site. The last pick-up from the event site is at 7:30 pm sharp. 10 am
North Car Park open 10 am
All event car parks close 8 pm
Event Site Closes 10 pm

The road closures are in place to facilitate residents, safe pedestrian flow, public transport and emergency access for the Bray Air Display. On roads with traffic restrictions, local access will be facilitated where possible.


There will be no parking permitted from 7 am and no vehicle access to the event site at Strand Road from 10 am on Saturday, August 3rd (including residents and businesses). Mitigation barriers will be in place for the duration of the event. Cars will be towed.


Deliveries to businesses along Strand Road and adjoining roads must be completed before 10 am.


Please note: Traffic restrictions and road closures are subject to change without notice.


Local Residents Access 


On roads with traffic restrictions, local access will be facilitated where possible. In order to help us with these efforts, An Garda Síochána & Stewards will accept a:


  1. Driving Licence with householder’s address displayed (If your driver’s licence doesn’t display your Bray address, please have a utility bill available with your name and Bray address ready for inspection)


Our Traffic Management Plan Section here has more updated information on road closures, and traffic restrictions and our ‘Getting Here’ section here has motorist travel advice.



There will be dedicated car parks available for visitors over the two-day event. We make every effort to encourage visitors travelling by car to the #BrayAirDisplay to use these facilities. We encourage travel by public transport as a more efficient means of getting to and from the display.


Please note that as the surrounding roads are public motorways, #BrayAirDisplay organisers are not responsible for the enforcement of road regulations.


An Garda Síochána & Stewards 

Throught the event, An Garda Síochána and Stewards will assist with the flow of traffic through the town.

There will be no parking permitted from 7 am and no vehicle access to the event site at Strand Road from 10 am on Saturday, August 3rd (including residents and businesses). Mitigation barriers will be in place for the duration of the event. Cars will be towed.


Deliveries to businesses along Strand Road and adjoining roads must be completed before 10 am.


Please note: Traffic restrictions and road closures are subject to change without notice.


Local Residents Access 


On roads with traffic restrictions, local access will be facilitated where possible. In order to help us with these efforts, An Garda Síochána & Stewards will accept a:


  1. Driving Licence with householder’s address displayed (If your driver’s licence doesn’t display your Bray address, please have a utility bill available with your name and Bray address ready for inspection)


Our Traffic Management Plan Section here has more updated information on road closures, and traffic restrictions and our ‘Getting Here’ section here has motorist travel advice.


Please note that as the surrounding roads are public motorway, #BrayAirDisplay organisers are not responsible for the enforcement of road regulations.


The road closures are in place to facilitate residents, safe pedestrian flow, public transport and emergency access for the Bray Air Display. On roads with traffic restrictions, local access will be facilitated where possible.

Unfortunately, noise is unavoidable. It has been part and parcel of the #BrayAirDisplay. Event activities will start from 12 noon with aircraft performances taking place until the evening time. Please see our ‘In The Air‘ section for more information about the lineup.



If you have any pets sensitive to loud noise then we would recommend the following:

  1. Provide a den or hiding place where your dog can feel safe. If your dog has already selected a location, perhaps this might be your choice.
  2. Before anticipated events, walk your dog when it is still light outside. This allows your dog to eliminate and reduces the possibility of fireworks being set off and worrying your dog.
  3. Ensure all windows, doors and cat flaps are closed securely during the event. This will reduce the chances of your pets escaping.
  4. While the event is happening, try to ignore fearful behaviour, such as panting, shaking and whining. If possible attempt to distract your dog with training tasks, new toys, play or delectable food treats or chews. If petting your dog calms them, then that is okay to do.
  5. Draw curtains and switch on the TV to mask the noise from the fireworks or storms.
  6. Try not to leave your pets alone while the event is occurring. Pets will be more relaxed when they have a familiar person with them during this time.
  7. DO NOT punish your pet! This will only make your pet more distressed and perhaps increase their fears.

For more information please see: www.ispca.ie.

Week -1 of the event

Please be aware of the increased noise levels during this week as there will be some practicing aircraft. Where possible we will post this information on our Facebook and X pages at the times of these practice flights.

Follow us on Facebook, X or Instagram for all the very latest event updates.

The Display itself 

The #BrayAirDisplay ground entertainment and helicopter pleasure flights will start at 12 noon followed by the airshow at 3 pm.

Please see our  ‘In The Air‘ & ‘On The Ground‘ sections for more information about the activities of the event.

All events and activities are subject to change without notice and may be dependent on weather.


There will be designated litter teams allocated to the event. The teams will be litter-picking throughout the duration of the event and afterwards.

Additional bins will be provided along the seafront during the event and we will use our social media networks to promote ‘Leave no trace’ principles to help create better awareness and improve behaviour.

If you have any queries regarding any aspect of the Bray Air Display event please do not hesitate to contact us via our Contact Us page here.

In Summary


It is our intention to minimise disruption and inconvenience to the residents/businesses of Bray Seafront and surrounding areas and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued assistance, and support during and over the last 16 years.


Should you have any queries regarding any aspect of the #BrayAirDisplay event please do not hesitate to contact us via the link above.


Thank you for your co-operation.


An Garda Síochána, Wicklow County Council and #BrayAirDisplay Team.


Follow us on Facebook, X or Instagram for all the very latest event updates.